Sunday, May 17, 2020

Medias Destructive Influence on Women Essay - 1215 Words

Everywhere you turn society is being presented with images of perfection, beauty, or sexuality. Some of these images represent unrealistic or unreachable expectations and can be truly harmful. It is common to see women exploited in reality TV shows and music videos. Young women are also influenced by the images that they see in commercials, billboards, internet sites, and movies. These images serve to harm a woman’s self confidence and also are affecting their overall health. Today’s mass media messages are having a negative effect on how women perceive themselves. I would like to propose a project which involves analyzing several women, of many different age groups, across their lifespan while testing how much the media affects their†¦show more content†¦The third and last theory is called Bandura’s social cognitive theory. This theory assumes that people model and learn from the behaviors of attractive individuals. Women want to emulate the body imag es of the thin attractive models through dieting. Eventually, negative effects result from this such as anorexia and bulimia. After the theories were described, the article states that thirty four studies were conducted. Thirteen out of the thirty four studies were surveys and twenty one of the studies were experiments. The media was measured and recorded for all studies with the categories ranging from magazines and photos, to movies and television shows. Ten studies were measured by exposure from fitness and fashion magazines. Seventeen studies were examined using a photo measure. Typically, the photo measure consisted of advertisements with thin woman. Three studies used a general mass media measure, which measured general media use. One study included a movie measure and another included a computer measure. The analysis implies that there is a relationship between body image and media, but the relationship is minute. The article says that one reason why some woman may not compa re themselves to the thin woman in the images is because they are constantly exposed. Finally, the article concludes by stating that a manipulation of exposure length, outcome measures, andShow MoreRelatedA Culture Of Perfection : Media s Influence On Adolescents1362 Words   |  6 PagesCulture of Perfection: Media’s Influence on Adolescents Comparison. It is one of the most dangerous and detrimental habits within our society. We fall into a routine of â€Å"self-checking† ourselves against others; mentally taking notes of what we can improve and what we are doing better. We all know that comparison often takes its’ toll on our confidence and self-worth; what we may not realize, however, is how early these destructive habits begin and why. The media’s influence is everywhere and its’Read MoreTeenage Girls and Body Image Essay1291 Words   |  6 Pagesteenagers get a lot of influence from the media’s message. 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