Thursday, February 27, 2020

Soviets Side and View of the Cold war Research Paper - 1

Soviets Side and View of the Cold war - Research Paper Example The revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin asserted that Russia was encompassed by a ‘hostile capitalist encirclement’ (Gaddis 1997). This laid the groundwork for what was to follow, i.e. years of hostility and isolation between differing ideological camps. The culmination of the conflict came after the end of the temporary alliance formed between the USSR and US aiming to topple Germany into defeat. The difference in lifestyles and beliefs was so significant that the two nations were at loggerheads over ideological reasons as soon as their alliance ended (Mcmahon 2003). The arms race that supplemented the cold war resulted in dire consequences for several nations after the dissemination of the USSR. The weapons are still used by terrorist and rebel movements all across the world as both the USA and USSR aim to liquidate their excess artillery in the search of economic returns. Joseph Stalin, the revolutionary communist leader of the USSR, considered the world to be divided into two ideological parts: the capitalist and imperialist regimes and the ‘progressive’ and communist world. The soviet leader believed that the concept of communism was widely acceptable and good for all considering that it followed a utilitarian philosophy of good for the greater number. Non ideological disputes arose between the soviet nation and western democracies post world war II over the soviet occupation of eastern European states. These states were later called soviet republic states and formed the eastern block of nations that would ‘endorse’ soviet communism and adopt the economic methodologies of the soviets. The united states, which had no business in the region according to soviets, warned that an ‘iron curtain’ was being brought down over Europe (Archives 2010). Joseph Stalin later emphasized that the cold war was a consequence of capitalist and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Middle School Advisory Program Evaluation A Program Evaluation Essay

Middle School Advisory Program Evaluation A Program Evaluation ProposalSelf Reporting can be problematic Disconnect between Likert Scale Responses and Free Responses Low Response Rate on Staff Survey - Essay Example To use of likert scale on such population would not provide accurate result considering that the views of the teachers in the Pacific Cascade Middle School were varied. This means that the scale would not be able to measure the honest attitude of the teachers. Further, this method of collecting data was must have presented the respondents with the opportunity to be influenced by the previous questions. There was tendency that the respondents were leaning towards one side of the scale just to avoid being extreme. Moreover, it was difficult to test whether the respondent were lying, even though the tools were tested for their reliability, it was still difficult to deal with the error that may have accompanied the responses. The law response rate by the respondents particularly on the free response was a major setback to verify the findings that the teachers had provided. This highly reduced the sample size that could have been very significant in obtaining facts. Mugenda & Mugenda (2010) reveals that in a population of 30, accuracy would be yielded with a turnout of over 90%. In this study, only 17 teachers returned their questionnaires. The law of research has not been able to discern how to deal with the problem with the self-reporting. This make such problems part of research. This study was affected by self-reporting that present issues like lie. Though the study attempted to place validity measures, controlling a huge number of students in shaping their attitudes towards the research was a hard